Feniex Quad Converter
The Feniex Quad Converter is the brains behind most of the quad line. The quad converter is used to control up to 8 separate Quad devices. 1 Quad Converter ONLY is needed to control up to 8 of the below Quad models. The quad converter comes standard with the full size light bar. When purchasing other devices such as an Interior Bar or Quad stick you only need 1 Converter to run them all. Follow the diagram below to see which models require the converter. Almost never will you need more than 1 converter, so contact us if you are unsure if you need a second converter.
The Feniex Quad Converter is a digital to analog converter that takes the 2 pin digital wire that exit Quad devices and converts them to 28 programmable functions that exit the Quad Converter. The converter offers 2 Tact Switches that allow you to cycle pattern and color direct from the converter. Again the Converter can connect and control up to 8 individual Quad devices.
One converter can connect up to 8 Quad devices. Below is a list of all the products that require the Quad Converter.
- Feniex Quad 400-800 Stick Lights
- Feniex Quad GPL Lightbar - Quad Converter is Already Included
- Feniex Quad Arrow Board
- Feniex Quad Rocker Panel
- Feniex Quad Front Interior Lightbar
- Feniex Quad Rear Interior Lightbar
How to Connect Multiple Devices
How Does the Converter Communicate to Many Devices
15-Programmable Color Settings: Single, Dual, Tri & Quad
15-Color Programmable Rear Traffic Advisor: Left, Right & Center-Out
4-Programmable Cut-Off Modes: Front, Rear, Driver & Passenger
4-Programmable Flood Modes: Front, Rear, Driver, & Passenger
15-Programmable Flash Patterns for Front & Rear Flashing
4-Color Programmable Cruise Modes: Driver & Passenger
3-Programmable DOT Functions: Stop, Turn & Tail Light
3-Programmable Brightness Levels: 10%, 50% & 100%
4-Programmable Priority Flashing Modes for Front & Rear
Programmable California-Red Mode: 20 Different Positions
Built in Pattern & Color Section Switch for Ease of Use
Easy Field Serviceability with Plug-&-Play Connectivity
Current Draw: 1 Amp
Cable Length: 1 Foot
Input Voltage: 10-18 Volts DC
Dim: 1” H x 2.6" W x 4.1" L
5 Year Manufacturer Warranty